We are a global company with a global outlook, our optimized approach leads to fast deals directly with refineries increasing value for all stakeholders.

We are fast, pro-active and have made every effort to continually identify and remove unnecessary bureaucracy from all facets of the business.


Fairness is the main principle defining our strategy, we are fair to our counterparties, financing banks, employees, and shareholders.

We believe in the long-term nature of our business and we value long-term relationships more than short-term profits, which we constantly prove to our counterparties,. This sustained behaviour has resulted in our impeccable reputation in the international market place. We take pride in our clean reputation and continue to build upon it in the global energy markets with every trade.



An energy company committed to provide stable supply of oil products in an unstable world.


To be a global company that creates value through innovation, systems approach and drive economic & social progress in society.
Contact us

Business District: Ajman Free Zone
Address: Office — C1 — 1F — SF0485
Phone:  +971 0585334818
Email: purchase@vividofze.com

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Wobbe IndexKWh/Nm313.066-16.328
Gross Calorific Value (GCV)KWh/Nm311.131-12.647The Operator may consider the possibility of accepting a cargo with GCV in the range 11.011KWh/Nm3 to 11.131KWh/Nm3 or 12.647 KWh/Nm3 to 12.986 KWh/Nm3, if after unloading this cargo and mixing with the stored LNG in terminal tanks, the GCV of the resulting LNG will be within the mentioned range.
LNG DensityKg/m3430 – 478The Operator may consider the possibility of accepting a cargo in the range 420.3 Kg/m3 to 430 Kg/m3 or 478 Kg/m3 to 483.1 Kg/m3, if after unloading this cargo and mixing with the stored LNG in terminal tanks, the Density of the resulting LNG will be within the mentioned range.
Molecular WeightKg/Kmol16.52 – 18.88
Methane% mol85.0 min
97.0 maxThe Operator may consider the possibility of accepting a cargo with Methane concentration in the range 80 to 85 % mole or 97 to 99.8 % mole, if after unloading this cargo and mixing with the stored LNG in terminal tanks, the value of Methane concentration of the resulting LNG will be within the mentioned range.
i-Butane & n- Butane% mol4 max
i- Pentane & n-Pentane% mol2 max
Nitrogen% mole1.24 max
Hydrogen sulfide (H2S)mg/Nm35.0 max
Total sulphurmg/Nm330.0 max
Temperature0C-159.5 maxThe average temperature of LNG in all tanks of LNG vessel at the loading port should not be greater than -159.5°C.
LNG Tank Pressurembar(g)100 maxOn arrival

Diesel EN 590

Aspect ColorVisual Inspection ASTM D1500Clear
Density@15oCEN ISO 3675:98/
EN ISO 12185:96 /C1:2001kg/m3820.0845.0
Flash PointEN ISO 2719:200262
EN ISO 3405:2000
85.0 (2)
- Recovered @150℃% vol2.0
- Recovered @250℃% vol65.0 (2)
- Recovered @350℃% vol
- Recovered @95%360.0
C.F.P.P. (Summer) (3)EN 116:1997
C.F.P.P. (Winter) (3)-12
Cloud Point (Summer) Cloud Point (Winter)EN23015:1994
Cetane NumberEN ISO 5165:1998no51.0
Cetane IndexEN ISO 4264:1996Index46.0
Viscosity @ 40℃EN ISO 3104:1996mm2/s2.004.50
Water ContentEN ISO 12937:2000mg/kg200
Total ContaminationEN ISO 12662:2002mg/kg15
Sulfur ContentEN ISO 20884:2004mg/kg10.0
Copper Strip Corrosion (3 hr at 50℃)EN ISO 2160:1998Indice1st Class
Carbon Residue
(On 10% distillation residue)EN ISO 10370:1995% weight0.15
Total AcidityASTM D974:2002mgKOH/g
Ash ContentEN ISO 6245:2002% weight0.01
Lubricity, Correct Wear ScarEN ISO 12156-1:2000µm460
Oxidation StabilityEN ISO12205:1996g/m3
Electrical Conductivity (4)IP 274; ASTM 2624; ISO 6297pS/m50
Polycyclic Aromatic HydrocarbonsEN 12916:2001% m/m11.0 (6)
Biodiesel Content (5)EN 14078:2003% vol4.57.0

Trading – Energy

Crude Oil

We trade a range of different Crude oil, sourced and aggregated to meet the diverse needs of our clients. Our expertise in trading, combined with efficient logistics solutions, ensures that we are well positioned to provide exceptional service and support to our clients.


We are strategically expanding our sourcing and blending activities for light-ends to cater to the demands of our customers across the customer base.

Middle Distillates

Middle distillates are a key business focus for us. We specialize in trading and storage of various grades of jet fuel, diesel, and gasoil, with an emphasis on the marine distribution markets.


We specialize in the trade and blending of refinery feedstocks, such as vacuum gasoil and straight-run fuel oil, as well as finished grades for the marine distribution and power generation markets, providing high-quality solutions for our clients.